Inspiring Accomplishments

These men and women transformed their bodies through plant-based eating and a dedication to plant-based lifestyle.  We want to celebrate their successes!

Amy Tauraa

IT TOOK ME 6 AND A HALF MONTHS to lose 60+ pounds and completely change how I care for myself following Eat to Live principles, the Jumpstarts, and the Plant Based Accountability Group. 

Shelly Dobbins

 I was freaked out and needed to do something and that’s when I discovered Elisha and Eat to Live Daily! Since joining this amazing accountability group I’ve lost the weight I gained and more and now pretty consistently weigh in the range of 138-141! 

Sandra Mcclanahan

In August 2017, I finally found “Eat to Live Support Group”, and then I joined Elisha’s accountability group. I truly love the intimate camaraderie, and the abundance of support materials in the form of webinars, interviews, and online meal plans. 

Adele Snow

 WHEN I FOUND ELISHA LEE ON EAT TO LIVE DAILY, I began blazing a new path. I was excited to begin this new journey but I had no idea how this one decision, this one commitment to eat Nutritarian would so profoundly impact my life. 

Katie Frederiksen

I’ve learned how to cook and eat in all new ways (Thanks to this group), constructed new habits of thinking and self-care (Thanks to Elisha’s Jumpstart & Accountability group)

Amy Collins


Deb Anderson


Emily Greene

I joined the Jumpstart to lose weight, but got something even better. For a few years I’d been struggling with rosacea and had a bad flare right before I got strict with the ETL lifestyle. To my surprise, just weeks after I went *almost* 100% my skin started to improve! After a few months my rosacea is under control and my face no longer hurts or makes me look like Quasimoto.  

What will your story be?

Our program provides a step-by-step instruction that simplifies the weekly meal planning and a community that will help keep you motivated and accountable.


50% Complete

Two Step

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