This 6-week Jumpstart program has helped thousands lose weight and achieve not only their weight loss goals, but their life goals as well… This six week plant-based detox will get you through the big transition with support and guidance. No commitment. Click Below To Be The Next Success Story!
A Total Value of $340 , for Just $63 

Plant-based Jumpstart Kit ($200 Value)

  • An easy-to-follow, full 6-week meal plan including meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts! Takes the brain work out of meal planning!

  • Includes over 30 whole-food plant-based recipes that your family will enjoy!

  • Includes goal planning worksheets, daily food checklists, and an accountability calendar

  • Includes a full list of all the types of foods and beverages you should eat and which you should avoid!

Step by Step Video Training Guide ($85 Value

  • Video introduction to the Jumpstart

  • Outline of all program materials

  • Advice on how to be successful on the program

  • A detailed breakdown of your food program including what to eat (and what NOT to eat!)

  • A breakdown of what to expect as your body enters the inevitable detox phase

Plant-based Jumpstart Kit ($200 Value)

  • An easy-to-follow, full 6-week meal plan including meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts! Takes the brain work out of meal planning!

  • Includes over 30 whole-food plant-based recipes that your family will enjoy!

  • Includes goal planning worksheets, daily food checklists, and an accountability calendar

  • Includes a full list of all the types of foods and beverages you should eat and which you should avoid!

This 6-week Jumpstart program has helped thousands lose weight and achieve not only their weight loss goals, but their life goals as well… This six week plant-based detox will get you through the big transition with support and guidance. No commitment. Click Below To Be The Next Success Story!

A $340 Value, for Just $63 $47!

HURRY! Start your plant-based lifestyle RIGHT Now! Pick Your Plan Below

Amy T

IT TOOK ME 6 AND A HALF MONTHS to lose 60+ pounds and completely change how I care for myself following Eat to Live principles, the Jumpstarts, and the Plant Based Accountability Group. My allergies, joint pain, skin issues, headaches, and other inflammation were all relieved, my hormones balances, I have a whole new relationship with stress and self-care, and have more hope than I’ve ever had for the future.


WHEN I FOUND ELISHA LEE ON EAT TO LIVE DAILY, I began blazing a new path. I was excited to begin this new journey but I had no idea how this one decision, this one commitment to eat Nutritarian would so profoundly impact my life. With the help of Elisha Lee’s AMAZING Jumpstart Accountability Group, I have completely transformed my life!

Katie F

It’s my Nutritarian birthday! I’m a mom of 5 (4-18), and a busy junior high teacher. Thanksgiving weekend last year saw me at almost 42 so sick and miserable with a nasty skin infection taking over my ear, inflammation everywhere, including allergies, tennis elbow and back problems, hormonal imbalances, and so on. Seven months later, I’d lost all the weight Dr. Fuhrman recommends (129-131 pounds at 5’10”), and it’s stayed off quite easily since. I’ve learned how to cook and eat in all new ways (Thanks to this group), constructed new habits of thinking and self-care (Thanks to Elisha’s Jumpstart & Accountability group)

Sandra M

In August 2017, I finally found “Eat to Live Support Group”, and then I joined Elisha’s accountability group. I truly love the intimate camaraderie, and the abundance of support materials in the form of webinars, interviews, and online meal plans. Highly recommended! I started at 252, and lost 25 pounds over the course of two years just by giving up sugary drinks. In late October, 2015, I became a Nutritarian and I have lost down to 126. My goal is 120. I barely remember what I felt like before, but I do know I had frequent migraines, and felt drug-out and sluggish most of the time.

How It Works


The ETLD membership site houses all of the important resources: The Recipe Center, Meal Plans, Customizable Meal Planner, Video Library, and weight loss tracking materials.


Our plant-based meal plans include the perfect portions of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and beans to help you lose weight quickly. There’s no figuring it out. It’s all done for you.


Weekly webinars, daily and weekly checkins, group mastermind sessions, and minute-to-minute correspondence, this is quite arguably the most valuable aspect of the program.

Regardless of where you are now:

…whether you’ve got 100 pounds to lose

…or you’re trying to take off those last stubborn 20

(or somewhere in between)

The Plant-based Lifestyle is the
vehicle to get you from
where you are now to where you want to be!

Shelly D

I was freaked out and needed to do something and that’s when I discovered Elisha and Eat to Live Daily! Since joining this amazing accountability group I’ve lost the weight I gained and more and now pretty consistently weigh in the range of 138-141! Now I’m almost ready to turn 60 and I’m in the best shape of my life! Elisha and everyone here is so supportive and inspirational and everyone is always willing to share knowledge and information! It is not weak to need and seek help it is powerful and empowering! This is not a diet it is a lifestyle and I will never go back!!

Live Daily Monthly Membership & Jumpstart Includes:

  • Training videos
  • Weekly meal plans with shopping lists and meal prep instructions

  • Facebook accountability group with regular online webinars and meet-ups

  • Weight loss tracking materials, cheat sheet, checklist, and printable calendar

  • On-going 6-week challenges within the group

  • Video Library

  • At least one new recipe added to the ETLD Recipe Center each week

I'm ready to go all the way with a monthly membership

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