Change your health. Change your life.

Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live Six-Week whole-food plant-based plan changed my life in 2011. Now I teach others how to bridge the gap between the literature and the lifestyle. Are you thinking about going plant-based? Here's what's included in my monthly Eat to Live Membership!

Meal Plans

With an Eat to Live membership you'll have access to our extensive Meal Plan Library. Our Nutritarian recipes are delicious, easy to follow, and they take the guessing game out of going plant-based!

Private Support Group

The private Facebook group houses group challenges, LIVE meetups, recipes, and ongoing personal experiences from a supportive community.  It's your place to share, ask questions & get support!

Course Library

The Course Library features my world-renowned 6-week Jumpstart, The Appetite Reset, Salad Challenge, Holiday Reset, Summer Detox, & additional members only challenges!

6-Week Jumpstart

Our 6-week Jumpstart is now included in the membership!  In this 6-week program, the Eat to Live plan is broken down into video training modules to make your transition into this lifestyle simple!

Tracking Materials

Within the group files you will find a number of various tracking materials that are designed to keep you on track with your new lifestyle.  The hundred day challenge, the ETL calendar, 

Video Training

With an Eat to Live membership, you'll have access to video training that teaches you how to do Eat to Live. Other topics included on video tutorials: self care, habit change, motivation, toxic hunger, and more!

A few other common themes here:

Self Care

Self Care is a major focus for the Eat to Live Community.  I believe that personal growth starts with loving who we are. Our community values balance, positive self talk, habit-focused change, and inspired motivation.  This is the foundation of all personal growth and development.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is all the rage right now, but is there any science to back it up?  At Eat to Live we say YES!  Dr. Fuhrman agrees.  Our food plans take this into consideration. Intermittent fasting is practiced by most of our community members and is part of the formula.


Did you know that mindfulness practices can actually help increase your ability to regulate emotions, decrease anxiety and help you make more intentional food choices? That's why it's a focus in our community and part of our course materials!

Success Stories From Our Community:


In August 2017, I finally found “Eat to Live Support Group”, and then I joined Elisha’s accountability group. I truly love the intimate camaraderie, and the abundance of support materials in the form of webinars, interviews, and online meal plans


WHEN I FOUND ELISHA LEE ON EAT TO LIVE DAILY, I began blazing a new path. I was excited to begin this new journey but I had no idea how this one decision, this one commitment to eat Nutritarian would so profoundly impact my life. With the help of Elisha Lee’s AMAZING Jumpstart Accountability Group, I have completely transformed my life!

Katie F

Thanksgiving weekend last year saw me at almost 42 so sick and miserable with a nasty skin infection taking over my ear, inflammation everywhere, including allergies, tennis elbow and back problems, hormonal imbalances, and so on. Seven months later, I’d lost all the weight Dr. Fuhrman recommends (129-131 pounds at 5’10”), and it’s stayed off quite easily since. I’ve learned how to cook and eat in all new ways (Thanks to this group), constructed new habits of thinking and self-care (Thanks to Elisha’s Jumpstart & Accountability group)


I was freaked out and needed to do something and that’s when I discovered Elisha and Eat to Live Daily! Since joining this amazing accountability group I’ve lost the weight I gained and more and now pretty consistently weigh in the range of 138-141! 

Amy Tauraa

IT TOOK ME 6 AND A HALF MONTHS to lose 60+ pounds and completely change how I care for myself following Eat to Live principles, the Jumpstarts, and the Plant Based Accountability Group. 

Emily Greene

I joined the Jumpstart to lose weight, but got something even better. For a few years I’d been struggling with rosacea and had a bad flare right before I got strict with the ETL lifestyle. To my surprise, just weeks after I went *almost* 100% my skin started to improve! After a few months my rosacea is under control and my face no longer hurts or makes me look like Quasimoto.  

Multiple Eat to Live Courses

For the first time ever, ALL COURSES and challenges are included in the Eat to Live Membership!

Meal Plans

The Eat to Live Meal Plans take the guess work out of going plant-based. They adhere to Dr. Fuhrman's Six Week Plan guidelines and are great for weight loss, detoxing, and squelching junk food addiction. With a monthly membership, you'll have access to dozens of plans for every season and each phase of your nutritarian journey.






50% Complete

Free 7-Day Reset

Wanna lose weight?  Tired of the yo-yo? We've got you.  This free 7-DAY RESET provides everything you need to get started in your new life without diets.  A 1-hour video intro to the program, a 7-day meal plan, and success stories galore.  AND. IT'S. FREE